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Early Notification System

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Signup for the HillTop Neighbors Association (HNA) Early Notification System (ENS)
Signup for the MVCC Early Notification System (ENS) here.
Use the ENS to recieve important announcements from HNA or MVCC.

Nominations for Board of Directors Elections 2007

Want to get involved?
Want a say in your neighborhood?
Do you know someone who could really help?
Do you want to help ypu neighborhood?

Send your nominations or comments to:

Click here for Candidate Statements.
Nominations: here.

Latest Beacon

Beacon News Letter

Slow Down!

March 17, 2004 - HillTop group launches a program to calm traffic in the neighborhood.

The plan is to have signs encouraging Mar Vista residents to slow down in the neighborhood. If we drive slowly, then all traffic will be encouraged to slow down. That's the idea behind the program.

Note: The sign may differ slightly from this illustration.

You may arrange to pick up a sign by contacting Bill Scheding, 12301 Clover Ave., 310-391-4051 OR send an email to
wls@MarVista.ORG. Please Drive safely and slowly!

Watch Your Speed!

Mar Vista Community Council has approved the purchase of a 'radar speed trailer' to help advise drivers of the speed limit in a residential neighborhood, their speed, and to encourage slower driving. Look for this traffic calming device in your neighborhood later this year.

Look for these signs to be popping up soon in the neighborhood! Please note: the signs must not be placed on City Property.

Get Involved!

Slow Down - Playa Vista - a petition

Mar Vista Community Council has started a petition drive to slow down the approval process for Playa ista, Phase II.

They feel it would be better to better understand Phase I before the second phase is approved.

Download the petition here.

MVCC Traffic Committee Announcement

The Mar Vista Community Council's Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will meet next Tuesday, March 23, 2004, 7:00 PM at the Santa Monica Airport Administration Building, 3223 Donald Douglas Loop South, conference room. Take Centinela to Airport Drive, west and turn right at the Spitfire restaurant. Items to be discussed are Dash Route Requirements, MVCC/TIC Resolutions about Mass Transit and the Santa Monica Air Port Noise Management Program. On hand will be officials from Santa Monica Airport Noise Management Program

If possible, we may have a report on flying rules during heavy fog conditions around SMO.

SMC EIR Process for the Bundy Campus

Santa Monica College has released the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Findings for Building #4 (West Building) on their Bundy Campus Project.

The SMC copy had a file name change, but can be downloaded here. The study is can be downloaded from a copy stored on the HillTop Beacon site here.

The SMC Bundy Campus will be discussed at the next Transportation Meeting.

Stay Tuned for more information from your on-line version of the famous paper newsletter distributed in the Mar Vista HillTop Area.

Featured articles include:

by Bill Scheding

Hilltop Neighbors Association Borders & Block Captains


Hilltop Neighbors Association (propsed) By-laws


Need More Info?

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